Sire definition horse

Sire Define Sire at m Sire definition, the male parent of a quadruped. A male parent, esp of a horse or other domestic animal. Sire - definition of sire by The Free Dictionary Define sire. Sire Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary sire meaning, definition, what is sire: a male parent of an animal, especially a horse. The male parent of a horse, a stallion, is commonly known as the sire and the female.

Definition and Meaning Sire - Definition of Sire from m: A stallion that has fathered foals. Sire Definition of Sire by Merriam-Webster Define sire: used formerly to address a man of rank or authority (such as a king or lord)sire in a. Sire synonyms, sire pronunciation, sire translation, English dictionary definition of. What do these words mean, Sire, Grandsire, Dam, Damsire (Horse). Arthur, The Macquarie Dictionary, 2nd ed., Macquarie Library, North Ryde, 1991, p.

What is Sire in Horse Racing? Definition and Meaning

Horse breeding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Horse breeding is reproduction in horses, and particularly the. A male parent of some animals (such as dogs and horses). Can you explain what a broodmare sire is please? What Is a Sire - Horses - m The meaning of the word sire as used when discussing horses or ponies.

An example of sire is for a blue-ribbon horse to be the father of a baby horse. Sire dictionary definition sire defined - YourDictionary sire definition: The definition of a sire is a term for figure of authority, or a father of. (Zoology) a male parent, esp of a horse or other domestic animal.

Sire Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

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Sire definition horse

Horse breeding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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