Parker legend xp price

Parker legend xp price

Parker Bow eBay Find great deals on eBay for Parker Bow in Compound Bows. Inside Archery Parker Legend XP Bow Report - Parker Bows smooth wonder called the Parker Legend XP. The Legend XP features Parker s unique EZ. The 30.5 Legend XP, sporting the smooth-drawing EZ Cam, has a. Of magnesium rather than aluminum, which keeps the cost down while.

For the price, it s a way better deal. 3D Shoots I just came from the archery pro shop and tried a Parker Legend XP. Guys that own parker bows they like them mostly for the price of the bow. For Sale: Compound Bow - 2009 Parker Legend XP. Parker legend xp pro or cons, lonewolf5348, Bowhunting Gear Review, 0.

Inside Archery Parker Legend XP Bow Report - Parker Bows

Not the fastest bow but the price was very nice. Ready to shoot you just need to add broad. Parker Legend XP rh - Archery Talk Apr 17, 2012.

2007 Bows In Review - Bowhunter Nov 4, 2010. M Forums was wondering if the parker legend bow was any good would appreciate any anks. The Frontier and the Hornet are still Parker s flagship bows, but the company. Parker Legend XP - Hunting Washington While I was there I was looking at a Parker Legend XP bow with that goes 70.

Parker Bow eBay

Sst Dloop Cordless peep many buck have fell. One-Cam System and an extremely parallel limb configuration. Parker Legend XP 350 Free Classifieds 24hourcampfire Up for sale or trade a Parker Legend XP compound bow 70lb max weight, set at 28 right-hand draw.

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Parker legend bow. good or bad? - m Forums

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