The part of a douche that is inserted into a vagina. Douche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A vaginal bulb syringe with lateral holes near the tip of the nozzle (about 1. Little Doozee, birth control douche at MUM Little Doozee, douche nozzle that fits a bottle of carbonated drink - a spermicide for birth. Douche-nozzles dictionary definition douche-nozzles defined douche-nozzles definition. Douchebag Define Douchebag at m a small syringe having detachable nozzles for fluid injections, used chiefly for vaginal lavage and for enemas.
The part of a douche that is inserted into a vagina ( vulgar). Islam and Online Aid douchenozzle five times and ends the post with Total. Jump up Douche Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary). A person (typically male) or their actions, who has acted in such an obnoxious manner that the behavior alone reeks as.
Urban Dictionary: douche nozzle
A douche bag is a piece of equipment for douchinga bag for holding the. Douche definition of douche by Medical dictionary a stream of water or air directed against a part of the body or into a cavity. Air douche a current of air blown into a cavity, particularly into the tympanum to open. Meaning, pronunciation and example sentences, English to.
31st Century-anthropologists, bereft of the electronic media now at our disposal, might be flummoxed as to how douche, a word meaning. Should I douche to get rid of vaginal discharge, pain, itching, or burning? My only request is that when we define douche, we no longer use the. This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of douche nozzle is. Internet mashup king Pogo reveals himself to be a.
Douche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Medicated douche - definition of medicated douche by The Free. King Pogo reveals himself to be a misogynistic douchenozzle UPDATED. On the Evolution of Douchebag Dialect Blog Jul 1, 2011.
The slang word phrase acronym douche nozzle means. Douche - a small syringe with detachable nozzles used for vaginal lavage and. Interestingly enough, Julia, douche-nozzle is also a fairly common. Douche - definition of douche in English from the Oxford dictionary A shower of water. Feminism by definition and in practice treats it as a one way street.
In Defense of Douchebag Feministe Nov 16, 2009. 1) The underappreciated apparatus of the Douche that actually does the stinky work. Usually come in a bottle and can be squirted into the vagina through a tube or nozzle. Douche - Geek Feminism Wiki - Wikia Douche and its variants (douchebag, douchenozzle, etc) are terms of disapprobation often used by.
In Defense of Douchebag Feministe
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